The boxes and labels that society has enforced upon us are limiting, confining and detrimental to our evolution. We need all of our colours present and healthy to birth new radical and inspired ways.

We appreciate that the journey to PRIDE in a world that condemns LGBTQ2IA+ individuals can be long and arduous. We understand the importance of creating safe, brave and authentic spaces to support one another, as chosen family does.

PRIDE is sitting in the beauty of your being and celebrating your queerness.

It is knowing that gender, sexuality and identity are not fixed but fluid, and it is embracing the daily discovery into the truth of your heart, body and soul.

What would it take to rewire our fear of “otherness” and weave it into a connected web of allyship?

How can we celebrate all communities, with our rich and diverse lived experiences, to learn from one another and evolve?


The boxes and labels that society has enforced upon us are limiting, confining and detrimental to our evolution. We need all of our colours present and healthy to birth new radical and inspired ways.

We appreciate that the journey to PRIDE in a world that condemns LGBTQ2IA+ individuals can be long and arduous. We understand the importance of creating safe, brave and authentic spaces to support one another, as chosen family does.

PRIDE is sitting in the beauty of your being and celebrating your queerness.

It is knowing that gender, sexuality and identity are not fixed but fluid, and it is embracing the daily discovery into the truth of your heart, body and soul.

What would it take to rewire our fear of “otherness” and weave it into a connected web of allyship?

How can we celebrate all communities, with our rich and diverse lived experiences, to learn from one another and evolve?


PRIDE Projects

South Asian Healing Network (SAH)

British Columbia, Canada - Turtle Island

For too long family dysfunction, problematic alcoholism or substance use, and mental health have not been acknowledged across South Asian communities. The South Asian Healing Network aims to tackle these issues by creating a safe environment for self-expression, peer support, and cultural/community learning for South Asian youth ages 15-30.

Archive in the Trees

British Columbia, Canada - Turtle Island

Indigenous-lead, two spirit, grassroots organizers who connect with rural and remote archives to digitize photos, oral histories, documents, language, and just about anything you can think of to create a community based archive.

SPOT – Supportive Parents of TransKids

Our mission is to empower and uplift parents so that they can provide the love, acceptance, and support that their children need to thrive. We believe that every child deserves to be valued for who they are, and we are dedicated to creating a supportive and inclusive community where parents can find the resources, guidance, and understanding they need to support their children’s unique journey. Through education, advocacy, and community-building, we aim to promote acceptance, understanding, and respect for all transgender individuals and their families. We are committed to working towards a world where every child can grow up in a safe and welcoming environment, free from discrimination and stigma. Together, we can create a brighter future for all transgender children and their families.

PRIDE Resources

Out Boulder County

Our mission is to educate, advocate and provide services, programs and support for Boulder County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer communities. Through activities, support groups and events we reach over 15,000 people each year. The vision of Out Boulder County is that Boulder County serves as a model of equality, respect, and well-being for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer people.

Making Gay History

Since 2016, Making Gay History* has been bringing the largely hidden history of the LGBTQ civil rights movement to life through the voices of the people who lived it. We’ll be back on July 1 for our ninth season, which focuses on the AIDS crisis through the personal lens of MGH’s founder and host, Eric Marcus. Until then, enjoy—and find inspiration in—our 90+ episodes from seasons past.


INCITE! is a network of radical feminists of color organizing to end state violence and violence in our homes and communities.