Love & Kindness

A remembering and returning to Love.

This pillar is our foundation — The root of all wave-making.

The selfless act of using one’s time to make impactful change is, within itself, a loving act of kindness.

It is leading with compassion and choosing to do the internal work so that we can always find our way back to love. It is filling up our own cup, so that we have enough overflow to share with others.

How can we make generosity and connection as present as the air we breathe?

#STWLove #STWKindness

A remembering and returning to Love.

This pillar is our foundation — The root of all wave-making.

The selfless act of using one’s time to make impactful change is, within itself, a loving act of kindness.

It is leading with compassion and choosing to do the internal work so that we can always find our way back to love. It is filling up our own cup, so that we have enough overflow to share with others.

How can we make generosity and connection as present as the air we breathe?

#STWLove #STWKindness

Love & Kindness Projects

The Waves Chile

Chile - Abya Yala

The Waves Chile will work through collective positive action, through activities such as group beach cleanups and self-awareness exercises, to provide educational and therapeutic support for the LGBTQ+ community in Chile, particularly youth.

Creating Freedom Movements

Creating Freedom Movements cultivates healing-centered, visionary grassroots leaders through an intensive, holistic cohort experience, while also providing mentorship and support for the Justice & Joy Projects that they cultivate during the course of our program. Our cohorts and facilitation teams are intentionally very diverse, as our mission includes building cross-issue solidarity and beloved community across multiple lines of difference – community that is sustained long-term through our alumni network. Our work centers mental wellness, self-care, and community care, and helps reduce and prevent burnout and compassion fatigue. We believe this is crucial in order to sustain those moving us toward a more equitable, liberatory future.

Intentional, Intersectional, Intergenerational PLAY

New York, US - Munsee Lenape land

Intentional, Intersectional, Intergenerational PLAY! will offer a space for a community of individuals historically excluded from traditional theatre and media spaces, to come together with the express purpose of creative healing through play.

Love & Kindness Resources

The Kindness Diaries

Leon is a man with a mission. Counting solely on the kindness of strangers for food, shelter and fuel, he travels around the world on a vintage motorcycle looking for the good in humanity. This is an uplifting social experiment that examines the nature of generosity and gives glimpses into the hearts of some truly selfless people. It gives one real hope in a world where too often greed is revered as a virtue and caring as a liability.

All About Love: New Visions

All About Love offers radical new ways to think about love by showing its interconnectedness in our private and public lives. In eleven concise chapters, hooks explains how our everyday notions of what it means to give and receive love often fail us, and how these ideals are established in early childhood.

My Kind of People

My Kind of People is a podcast celebrating leaders and community members from across the world who all share a passion for positive change. Each week we will explore the power of community, leadership, passion and positivity and the beauty that can be created when these values come together.