Our Environment

We are gloriously, inescapably earthbound and yet we disregard our home at our own peril.

Our world is calling out, louder than ever, to wake up, listen deeply, and come into the right relationship with our land to save what we have left and plant the seeds for a thriving future.

The truth is that climate action and sustainable stewardship of our natural resources are essential for our survival here on Earth.

We can no longer turn our heads and ignore what we don’t want to see. It’s time to change.

How will we honour and care for our Mother?


We are gloriously, inescapably earthbound and yet we disregard our home at our own peril.

Our world is calling out, louder than ever, to wake up, listen deeply, and come into the right relationship with our land to save what we have left and plant the seeds for a thriving future.

The truth is that climate action and sustainable stewardship of our natural resources are essential for our survival here on Earth.

We can no longer turn our heads and ignore what we don’t want to see. It’s time to change.

How will we honour and care for our Mother?


Our Environment Projects

Areito: Taino Voices

“Areito: Taino Voices” is an Indigenous virtual monthly gathering that features two different invited Taino guest speakers each month ranging from artists, activists, teachers, academics, etc. It is organized and hosted by artist and activist Ra Ruiz Leon (Taino-Borikua) and educator Gladys Yacely Aponte (Taino-Kiskeya). Taino people are one of several Indigenous groups in the Caribbean and have been resisting colonization since 1492 when Europeans arrived on our shores. Ra and Yacely began this virtual gathering in January of 2021 as a way for the Taino community to stay connected. Today Taino people live and work all over the world but remain connected to their ancestral homelands in the Caribbean (Cuba, Boriken aka Puerto Rico, Ayiti aka Haiti, Kiskeya aka Dominican Republic, Xamaica aka Jamaica, Bahamas). Areito is our word for ceremony and it is one of the ways that we maintain our culture alive and seek harmony with our mother earth. Our virtual Areito gives Taino people an opportunity to hear about other Taino people who are doing amazing work, and a way to stay connected to one another even in the face of a pandemic and/or distance. It is also an opportunity for Indigenous Caribbean folks who are looking to reconnect to their Indigeneity to learn new things and find community. For a year and a half this event has ran monthly without any funds. It is all volunteer work done with a lot of love and passion, however it has been a big goal to secure funds to be able to compensate all involved for their time, energy, and expertise. The community that tunes in each month has grown, proving that it holds a special place in many peoples hearts because they can stay connected to their culture and community through this virtual space and time. At the end of our gatherings we play a game called Taino Trivia, where we ask a question related to our session and the first person to get the answer correctly wins a gift. It can range from a Taino sticker to Taino jewelry, all made by Taino artists. We seek to support and uplift our people as much as we can.

The Food Clinic

Remedy Studios is a young media production social enterprise founded by medical doctor and filmmaker Yemisi Bokinni. We are dedicated to creating life science entertainment that reaches and reflects diverse audiences. We are founded on the core objective of making meaningful progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and 13 (Climate Action) among our target audiences of communities of colour.


Philippines - Turtle Island

Our mission is to promote community awareness about urban gardening, medicinal plants, & terrariums; to simply bring back greenery in our modern society. We strive to create alternative methods of planting / growing medicinal & ornamental plants, and remind people that there are many simple ways to grow plants in today’s urban life.

Our Environment Resources

On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal

For more than a decade, Naomi Klein has documented the movement of the climate crisis from future threat to a burning emergency. She has been among the first to make the case for what is now called the Green New Deal – a vision for transforming our economies to battle climate breakdown and rampant inequality at the same time. In our era of rising seas and rising hate, she argues that only this kind of bold, roots-up action has a chance of rousing us to fight for our lives while there is still time.

Soil. Soul. Society.

A new trinity for our time. We are members of a one-earth society, and caring for the earth and soul is interrelated! This is the message of Satish Kumar, the internationally-respected peace and environment activist who has been gently setting the agenda for change for over 50 years. In Soil, Soul & Society, Satish presents the new trinity for our age of sustainability. One that shares the knowledge that we ourselves are very much part of nature; that what we do to nature we in fact do to ourselves; and that the earth is soulful. In this book, he urges readers to create a new consciousness that reveres nature and explores how as a global society we need to embrace diversity and become pilgrims on this earth not tourists. To bring about change in the world we must be the change we wish to see.

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants

As a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. As a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. In Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer brings these lenses of knowledge together to show that the awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world. For only when we can hear the languages of other beings are we capable of understanding the generosity of the earth, and learning to give our own gifts in return.