Equality & Anti-Oppression

In today’s world, if we aren’t actively doing the internal and external work to decolonize and dismantle the unjust systems of inequality that exist here on earth, we are contributing to the upholding of this ongoing oppression.

White supremacy, amongst other systems of injustice, is the reality we have been born into and it is time we unlearn, relearn and rebuild a world that is safe and equitable for all.

How can we bring our whole selves — with all the intersections of our identities and experiences to the work of collective liberation?

#STWEquality #STWAntiOpression #STWJustice

In today’s world, if we aren’t actively doing the internal and external work to decolonize and dismantle the unjust systems of inequality that exist here on earth, we are contributing to the upholding of this ongoing oppression.

White supremacy, amongst other systems of injustice, is the reality we have been born into and it is time we unlearn, relearn and rebuild a world that is safe and equitable for all.

How can we bring our whole selves — with all the intersections of our identities and experiences to the work of collective liberation?

#STWEquality #STWAntiOpression #STWJustice

Equality & Anti-Oppression Projects

Arts Initiative for Refugees (A.I.R.)

AIR, being short for the Arts Initiative for Refugees, complies to provide refugee youth with sessions, programs and opportunities to help them achieve artistic and personal success through teaching and mentorship. AIR offers individualized and group mentoring programs to its students designed for their unique interest in the arts field of their choice. AIR will also have approved guest speakers to meet with and talk to the students about certain topics. It also provides personal and emotional support and guidance, in order to cultivate its students’ growth. The immediate objective of this program is to expand into a multifaceted foundation with locations across the state that provides unique opportunities and chances for refugees that may not have the resources or means to achieve their artistic goals. The ultimate goal of AIR is to branch out to become a small-scale, national/international non-profit organization.


STONO is an interspecies performance in which participants are guided to explore the 1739 Stono Slave Rebellion through the voices of its beyond-human participants. This piece–and its accompanying educational modules–will animate radical Black histories in the Americas and offer a space for humans to better connect with the natural and spiritual entities that share our world.

Corporación Otra Escuela [Organization: A Different School]

Colombia - Abya Yala

Corporación Otra Escuela (Spanish acronym COE) is a non-governmental organization with 21 years of experience in training, raising awareness, and promoting peace education pedagogies and culture. We have offices in Bogotá (Cundinamarca, Colombia), Santander de Quilichao (Cauca, Colombia), Madrid (Spain), [and are] composed of a multidisciplinary team working on issues around the construction of peace education pedagogies and culture in different regions of Colombia and in other countries.

Our heart (mission) is to train around the Culture of Peace, starting from peace education, through art, cooperative play, and neuroconvivencia [new current that studies the brain’s biological functions and emotional reactions, and how these are changed by an individual’s social and cultural experiences]. And our dream (vision) is that by 2030 Otra Escuela will be a national and international model for the development of innovative pedagogies and methodologies in the field of peace education and building a peace culture.

Equality & Anti-Oppression Resources

Equal Justice Initiative

The Equal Justice Initiative works to end excessive punishment and mass incarceration in the United States. The EJI challenges racial and economic injustices and fights to protects human rights.

Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements

Whenever we envision a world without war, without prisons, without capitalism, we are producing visionary fiction. Organizers and activists envision, and try to create, such worlds all the time. This book brings twenty of them together in the first anthology of short stories to explore the connections between radical speculative fiction and movements for social change.

Peace River Rising

Peace River Rising offers an intimate view of the connection between violence against Indigenous women and violence against the land.