Unity & Oneness

Our interconnectedness, however you personally conceptualize it, has the potential of being our greatest ally, and it is crucial that we use it mindfully.

Not to bypass the anti-racism and anti-oppression work that needs to be done to operate from this truth, but to use the power of spiritual work and focussed intention to move mountains and create lasting change.

We are, at our core – ONE.

When we work from within, connecting with our inner knowing, we become our own medicine.

When we evolve our individual well-being, we nurture the health of the whole.

We are mirrors to the world we are creating.

How can we use the creative power of our consciousness to generate wise action and restore faith for our future?

#STWUnity #STWOneness #STWMeditation #STWSpirituality

Our interconnectedness, however you personally conceptualize it, has the potential of being our greatest ally, and it is crucial that we use it mindfully.

Not to bypass the anti-racism and anti-oppression work that needs to be done to operate from this truth, but to use the power of spiritual work and focussed intention to move mountains and create lasting change.

We are, at our core – ONE.

When we work from within, connecting with our inner knowing, we become our own medicine.

When we evolve our individual well-being, we nurture the health of the whole.

We are mirrors to the world we are creating.

How can we use the creative power of our consciousness to generate wise action and restore faith for our future?

#STWUnity #STWOneness #STWMeditation #STWSpirituality

Unity & Oneness Projects

Beyond Belief – Spiritual and Mental Uplift

GLOBAL - turtle island

Beyond Belief is a podcast, derived from Bad Believer, that focuses on connecting the LGBTQ2IA+ community, discussing religious trauma in our lives and highlighting our reconciliation journey into faith, spirituality and our identity. We also provide financial assistance for those that need immediate help accessing counselling or therapy.

Archive in the Trees

British Columbia, Canada - Turtle Island

Indigenous-lead, two spirit, grassroots organizers who connect with rural and remote archives to digitize photos, oral histories, documents, language, and just about anything you can think of to create a community based archive.


STONO is an interspecies performance in which participants are guided to explore the 1739 Stono Slave Rebellion through the voices of its beyond-human participants. This piece–and its accompanying educational modules–will animate radical Black histories in the Americas and offer a space for humans to better connect with the natural and spiritual entities that share our world.

Unity & Oneness Resources

Radical Acceptance

One of the deepest expressions of suffering is self aversion, a part of what Tara Brach calls the “the trance of unworthiness.” Drawing on the wisdom of Buddhist teachings, illustrative stories and the transformative power of meditation, Tara guides us in healing the shame and fear that bind our hearts.

Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations

The Emmy award-winning >Super Soul Sunday> is a daytime series on OWN that dPodcast-Oprah-super-soul.jpgelivers insight and inspiration from renowned thought leaders to awaken viewers to their best selves and discover a deeper connection to the world around them. Each week, enjoy mind-nourishing conversations between Oprah and top thinkers, authors and spiritual luminaries.

The Presence Process

The Presence Process> invites us to experience present moment awareness as a book-the-presence-process.jpgway of life.

Author Michael Brown shows us how it’s possible to experience awareness of the present moment without having to take the long, challenging path most of us usually take as we attempt to live in the “now.”

We all long to be free of our discomfort and experience inner peace. However, the attempt to get rid of our discomfort is misguided. We’re not broken and don’t need to be “healed.” Our difficulty is that our deeply suppressed emotional imprints from childhood distract us from an awareness of the present moment. Until this emotional charge from our past is integrated, our attempts to quiet our thoughts and access the peace, joy, and love that are bedrock to our being are of only limited success. Since presence is universal, it has the ability to manifest in our daily experience the very circumstances required for us to integrate the dysfunction that keeps us from experiencing the radiance of present moment awareness. We are each responsible for determining the quality of our personal experience, and The Presence Process guides us into taking responsibility for our emotional integration. It’s a way to consciously “grow up.”