The boxes and labels that society has enforced upon us are limiting, confining and detrimental to our evolution. We need all of our colours present and healthy to birth new radical and inspired ways.

We appreciate that the journey to PRIDE in a world that condemns LGBTQ2IA+ individuals can be long and arduous. We understand the importance of creating safe, brave and authentic spaces to support one another, as chosen family does.

PRIDE is sitting in the beauty of your being and celebrating your queerness.

It is knowing that gender, sexuality and identity are not fixed but fluid, and it is embracing the daily discovery into the truth of your heart, body and soul.

What would it take to rewire our fear of “otherness” and weave it into a connected web of allyship?

How can we celebrate all communities, with our rich and diverse lived experiences, to learn from one another and evolve?


The boxes and labels that society has enforced upon us are limiting, confining and detrimental to our evolution. We need all of our colours present and healthy to birth new radical and inspired ways.

We appreciate that the journey to PRIDE in a world that condemns LGBTQ2IA+ individuals can be long and arduous. We understand the importance of creating safe, brave and authentic spaces to support one another, as chosen family does.

PRIDE is sitting in the beauty of your being and celebrating your queerness.

It is knowing that gender, sexuality and identity are not fixed but fluid, and it is embracing the daily discovery into the truth of your heart, body and soul.

What would it take to rewire our fear of “otherness” and weave it into a connected web of allyship?

How can we celebrate all communities, with our rich and diverse lived experiences, to learn from one another and evolve?


PRIDE Projects

ADHD Babes

ADHD Babes is a community group for Black Women and Non-Binary people with ADHD. We create safer spaces for us to flourish and live our lives to their greatest potential.

ADHD Babes is run by us and for us, with all members of our team being from our community. We aim to empower and encourage all members to build peer support networks, share lived experiences and embrace their neurodiversity as a community.

We aim to inspire and empower people with community, tools, learning and healing spaces to redefine and understand ADHD, allowing us to tackle its difficulties and utilise its strengths.

We aim to create an accessible platform and safer spaces for us to connect, learn and break down the barriers that restrict our community from gaining and understanding a diagnosis of ADHD.

We aim to create a society that embraces neurodiversity. We aim to raise awareness and educate people on the truth and reality of how ADHD affects neurodiverse people, and how best to support them.

Drag King Bilingual Story Time

San Antonio, TX - Coahuiltecan, Jumanos, and Tonkawa land

Drag King Bilingual Story Time—where D.R.A.G. signifies Dancing, Reading, Arte (Art) y Ganas (Movement & Empowerment)!—serves to create family-friendly events that help enrich a child’s development while promoting inclusion. Drag King Bilingual Story Time is the family friendly project direct from the minds of Los MENtirosos Drag Kings, San Antonio’s only all Latinx Drag King troupe.

T4T Caregiving

United States - Turtle Island

T4T Caregiving is a group of trans caregivers and doulas who provide guidance, emotional support, postoperative care, and medical advocacy for trans and nonbinary people having gender-affirming surgeries. We provide various community resources and guidance with navigating the surgical process completely free of charge.

PRIDE Resources

Gay Men Going Deeper

Welcome to Gay Men Going Deeper, a podcast exploring the gay aspects of personal development, sexuality, and mental health. Brought to you by the Gay Men’s Brotherhood and hosted by Calan, Matt and Michael.

The Ali Forney Center

Our mission is to protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently.’

Resource Library – Rainbow Health Ontario (Canada, Ontario)

Searchable library of information, toolkits, reports and more for supporting LGBTQ+ community members’ mental health.